Pga ändrad tjänst…

…så kommer denna sida nu att läggas på is. Jag hade en tanke att radera allt innehåll, men kanske är det så att det kan finnas lärare och/eller elever som finner material från sidan användbart. Det är fritt fram att använda det man vill, men några nya uppdateringar kommer med största sannolikhet inte att göras.

Titta istället gärna in på mina andra bloggar:

So long 🙂 / Lotta

Before you start working on your debate…

It is important to know how to use your voice when you present your opinion. In this flip, which is only 2 minutes long, you get some useful tips both how to use your intonation when you speak, and also some tips how you can control the debate by using a few very useful punchlines.

At home:

* Watch the flip

* Summarize the flip

* Write a question after watching the flip (something you want to know more about/something you want to ask your friends)

In school:

* You will choose one of the topics I will present to you.

* Work in pairs. One is pro- one is con.

* Week 13 you will be working with your debates, reading the articles, sum up the different opinions and also add some of your own opinions

* Don’t forget to use the techniques and the different ways to state your opinion that we have been practicing on!

* Tuesday week 14 you will be presenting your debates orally to the rest of the class.

Good luck! 🙂

State your opinion part 2 – spoken

At home: 

– Watch the video at home. Watch the last 9 minutes (Fast Forward the first 6 minutes)

– Write down the different tips she gives you about Commonly Spoken expressions. How can you start your sentences when you give your opinion orally? 

In school (don’t forget to bring your notes to school):

* You will start the lesson by practicing the various spoken expressions by stating your opinion to a friend. The subject is: “It is important to eat breakfast every day”. Make sure you use the expressions from the flip!

* You will choose one of the topics from the articles I present in class. Work in pairs. One is pro and one is con.

* Read the article and make a summary of the opinions presented in the article. Work together to come up with opinions of your own.

* You will be presenting a debate to the class where you show me that you are able to use the different expressions that we have practiced to state your opinion!

Good Luck 🙂

State your opinion!

At home:

– Watch the video at home. Watch the first 6 minutes – “giving your opinion”

– Write down the different kinds of ways to start a sentence without using the words “I think”

In school (don´t forget to bring your notes to school):

– Write down four different sentences where you state your opinion about “The way you dress is important”. Make sure you use four different ways of starting your sentences!

– Read your sentences to your classmate.

– Write a short text together where you state both of your opinions about “The way you dress is important”. Make sure you use different ways to start your sentences!

– Read your text to the class

Hackschooling – a summary!

Hi kids! Thought I was just going to make a short summary of all the great work you presented during Hackschooling. You did so many fun and interesting presentations, and your topics were filled with inspiration! As with everything else in life, everything can´t fit everyone. Some of you found it difficult to work at home and some of you could have spent your time more wisely during class. I hope that when you evaluate your work, you think of what you can improve during next course.

Both Billan and I were so impressed with your imagination and all the skills you showed us during your presentations! It was a mix of fantastic topics – for example – how many of you knew that Fatema is going to be a designer, Phoung has a dream to become a doctor and help people in her native country, Ted loves to play American Football, Jakob is a Daredevil on the motorcross and that Linnea is a great actress? We all knew that Kaltrina was a Belieber – didn´t we ? 😉 Thanks for sharing your dreams – and remember – never stop BELIEVING!

Jakob in action!


Linnea – remember your teachers when you are famous! We would like to go to the Oscar Award – me and Billan 😉

Speaking anxiety – tips how to deal with it!

I know that a lot of students feel nervous before they are going to speak in front of others/have an oral presentation. In this flipp you will get some useful tips how to overcome that anxiety!

At home: 

1. Watch the flipp at home, watch the first 9 minutes of the flipp

2. Write down the 6 different tips that are given to you in the flipp – write some keywords about each flipp and bring to class

In school:

1. Use your kyewords and write a short summary of the flipp. Name your text “How to overcome speaking anxiety”

2. Read the text that you have written to your tutorial group and listen to your friends while they present their texts.

3. Discuss in your tutorial group – if you could only choose one of the tips, which one would you choose? Which tip is, you think, the best one to give to a nervous speaker? Why? Motivate your choice!

4. Present your thoughts to the rest of the class!


Before next lesson:

1. Watch the flipp (as many times as you want to). Remember that it is ok to stop, rewind and repeat

2. Write down 2 thoughts that came up while watching the flipp. Something you thought was good, or something you disagreed upon. Perhaps something that sounded interesting or something you would like to try for yourself. Take them with you to class next lesson.

3. Write down one question you want to know more about. Take it with you to class next lesson.

What do you want to become when you grow up?

Well, that is not an easy question to answer. When 13 year-old Logan LaPlante grows up, he wants to be happy and healthy. I think that is the best answer you can give! We take it for granted that if you go to school, get an education, get a good job, get married you automatically become happy. But what if we have to take our happiness in our own hands? What makes YOU happy? How can school be  a part of you growing up and become a happy adult?

Logan LaPlante talks about Hackschooling. His mother took him out from school and teaches him at home – but he points out that Hackschooling is something you can do just as easily in your school! It is about being motivated. About working with all different kind of subjects from your points of interest. He says that “once you are motivated to learn something you can get a lot done – in a short amount of time!”

What do YOU want to become when you grow up? I´m grown up – and you know what- I´m Happy because every day I do the things that I love the most – teaching and meeting young people in school.

So what do you say? Is it time that we start Hackschooling our English lessons? What are you interested in? What gets YOU motivated and how can you improve your skills in English when working with this?

I want to know your opinions on this idéa – how can you bring your interests  to English class, increase your motivation and enhance your skills in English? Let´s write down our thoughts and then share them to eachother in class next week!  🙂

How to become a Canadian Citizen!

Russel Peter is a Canadian comedian and actor. He was born in Toronto. This is a short flipp from one of his stand-up shows. He talks about “How to become a Canadian Citizen”, hope you enjoy it 🙂

While watching the flipp try to answer the following questions:

1. Which country is Russel Peters parents from?

2. What is his dad going to do to show their neighbors they are real Canadians?

3. Explain what “white food” is, according to Russels dad.

4. What is the problem with the rice?

After watching the flipp:

Write down a list of things that YOU think makes you  a typical “Swedish citizen”! What do you think is typical for Swedes? Food? Traditions? How we look? How we act? I´m sure you can think of a many things! And if you recently came to Sweden but were  born in another country- what did you know about Sweden and Swedes before you moved here?  

You are going to present it to your classmates on friday!

Good Luck 🙂